By far 2023 has certainly been a year to remember. As a team, we attended a number of events, including Pride, firework displays, community engagement training sessions, to name a few!
However, most importantly we were out in our local community supporting those who needed us. At the end of each year, our team receives a report from East Midlands Ambulance Service. This report allows us to see individually and as a team, how often our volunteers have responded to medical emergencies throughout the year.
Last year, as a team of only 8 volunteers, we were on duty for 1712 hours. That's 214 man days (or 43 working weeks)!
That is an incredible amount of hours of spare time used responding to 999 and 111 in our communities. It is fantastic work from all of the team, and we will continue to help out where we can this year. Thank you to the team and the public for supporting us, allowing us to be there when you need us the most.
We are hoping to expand our public engagement interactions, and visit more individual communities and spread awareness and training in CPR, AED use and basic first aid. This will be free for anyone who would like further knowledge, education and confidence to help someone in a medical emergency. If you are interested, please get in touch;
We are looking forward to seeing what 2024 has in store for us, and hope you have all had a wonderful year.
From all of us at Leicester Community First Responders, thank you and happy new year!